Monday, November 17, 2008

Leaving a Legacy

At the beginning of November, Chab Dai had its bi-annual all member meeting. Over 100 people came to share what they've been doing, network, and learn together. The theme of the meeting was "Leaving a Legacy" and so what was most discussed was what we are leaving behind through our programs, organizations, and relationships. For many expats this is a very real issue as many, like us, are here for a definite period of time. For many Cambodians and long-term expats it is an important issue because there is limited time and funding for a lot of projects.
I was pretty busy during these two days, especially on the first. I was acting as note-taker for the whole meeting, but I also did a presentation on child protection and our upcoming training workshops and I led a focus-group discussion on the theme of the meeting as well. In the end it was a great day, I met a lot of new people and some people I'd been emailing with but had never met face to face, and really started to understand how important Chab Dai is as a coalition of committed workers.
It went really well, and Charlie and I were definitely ready for some R & R afterwards, so I guess it's a good thing we left for Vietnam the next morning! More on that soon, I promise!

Here we all are! Can anyone find Charlie?!?! Yeah not that difficult. Try to find me, though!

Here is one of our member organizations presenting on a new game developed by the Chab Dai Family Forum. It is played by families in the communities and gets them talking about all sorts of issues they wouldn't usually feel comfortable talking about. The pilot project went really well and now they will replicate it and distribute it to the other members!

Here are some members being presented with program grants after having completed, or are completing a Project Cycle Management training course.


  1. I think that Julia's the one standing in front of Char.

  2. I think Julia's wearing a yellow shirt on the far left side.

  3. WOW charlie is SO tall compared to everyone else, it looks comical even!! I found you right away Jul, your easy to spot with you bright smile! It sounds like you guys had a great time and I can't wait to hear about your trip to Vietnam!
