Yesterday, over 100 people gathered in Philip's Square, downtown Montreal for the walk to Stop Child Trafficking!! Charlie and I were part of the planning committee that put together the event and it went very smoothly and very well, despite the drizzling rain that ever threatened to turn into showers. Many different community organisations were represented and Joy Smith and supporters of Bill C-268 were there as well.

The walk was a short circuit on Ste. Catherine Street and de Maisonneuve, and by the time we got back to the rally site, we had gained quite a few people! Joy Smith, Andree Ruffo and Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu were the main speakers at the rally and they were all very passionate about the issue of child trafficking. Many media outlets were present as well; here are some links to those articles and videos:
CTV articleCTV video (click on "Child Trafficking a Domestic Problem")
24H MontrealThe last debate on Bill C-268 will take place this Tuesday and the vote will be this Thursday. All parties but one are in favour of passing this bill; please email you MP to give them your support and encourage them to vote this through!
you guys are awesome. Way to go, glad it was a success.