For my Grandpa's 80th birthday, my whole family got together to "Party like it's 1929"!!! We ate and drank and made toasts and made jokes and swam and kayaked and played games and had an all around blast. Here we all are. Almost no kids left, we're all so grown up ;)

The only not fun part (and when I say not fun, I mean kind of funny for everyone else) was when Charlie got stuck on top of the roof of the boat house because he got all the way up there and then panicked and couldn't jump off for a whole hour. He switched between standing up and sitting back down, but mostly he sat. In his defense, it's really high up (about 10 meters?) and on his way up his foot slid a little on the roof tiles. He couldn't go down the way he came up because of the whole slipping and falling onto the dock to his death thing, so the only way down was by jumping.

After a while, my cousin Jessica made a deal with Charlie that if she jumped off the second floor balcony, he would take the leap from the roof. She Jessica and Caitlyn joined forces... and Charlie stayed put of the roof for another half hour after they jumped.

And so there we stayed, me on the dock, encouraging and coaxing, and Charlie sitting on the roof, trying to stay calm. People came and went, but mostly stuck around, because all that time, they didn't want to miss the big event, as the more time he spent on the roof, the more suspense there was to see his jump. Finally, I decided drastic measures had to be taken - but there was no way I was going up there to jump with him because then we'd have two people stuck on the roof. So I talked him through some yoga breathing and actually got him to stand up. And just when we were all about to give up and leave him there to go have lunch, he propelled with his might and flung himself off the roof, shouting "I'm Batmaaaaaaaaan!!!"

And so ended the saga of the boat house jump, and everyone clapped and cheered and those who had missed it were very disappointed indeed. I was so proud of my honey :)
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