We finished up our time in Thailand and left Phil in Bangkok the day before he headed back to Canada. We had such a great trip with him. Of course, the day we left him, he got robbed and missed his flight (Murphy's law, right?) But overall, the three of us had a blast together.
celebratory sushi just before catching our 10-hour bus ride back to Bangkok.
We then spent 10 days in Phnom Penh, seeing all our friends, saying goodbye again, wrapping things up at Chab Dai and meeting with Helen to discuss our first steps into starting Chab Dai Canada. We spent a lot of time with our very dear friends, Ray and Christine Cantwell, and Amie and Steve Gosselin. Both couples are also from Canada (Ontario and Alberta, respectively) and they became such good friends over our short months in Cambodia. We will miss them very much. They loved us and challenged us and had a big impact on our lives. Also, Ray and Christine introduced us to Settlers of Catan and Bohnanza, and we will be forever grateful!!
Now we're home and busy as ever! As many of you know already, I was just accepted into the M.Sc. program at Southern New Hampshire University. I will be studying International Community Economic Development. It's a distance learning program so we will be able to stay in Montreal and I will travel down to campus once a month for three days. Charlie will be staying with his job at Backcheck and we will both be working on establishing Chab Dai Canada in the next couple years. It will be a busy time!
Sorry for the delay of this post, but we're back on now and planning to stay a while!
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