I am still working with Christian Direction in Montreal on the youth financial capability project. I am also now working on a contract with Making Cents International, based out of Washington, D.C. (they are - not me) and their partner organisation in Haïti, Save the Children. The project we are doing is really exciting and closely related to what I did my thesis project on here in Montreal. I get to put the "International" part of my degree to work right away!
Next week, I will leave for a first two-week trip to Haïti, and I'll be in three different cities throughout my trip. The cities are squared in red in the map below. I'll start in the north of the country, Cap-Haïtien, for a few days. That part of the trip is unrelated to my Making Cents work; I'm going down with Jacynthe, whom I spent a week with in Haïti last August at the arts and music camp. We'll be doing some training for counsellors for the second camp this summer!

After Cap-Haïtien, I'll go back to Port-au-Prince and from there spend one week in Léogâne and one week in Jacmel for the Making Cents project. We'll be testing out a curriculum on financial education for young women and girls. The project will focus on training young Haitian women to become financial mentors to others girls in their community.
And so off we go, me and Squeege (who is currently approximately the size of my fist), on our first international adventure together. Right now, I'm still coping with low energy and regular bouts of nausea, so here's hoping I'm well into the second "honeymoon" trimester by the time I leave!